Create custom Symfony translation extractor

Orlando Thöny
2 min readOct 1, 2020
Licensed under Creative Commons.

This post is also available on my blog.


The Symfony translation component allows you to extract translations from your PHP codebase & Twig templates into the translation file format of your liking, for example .po files.

The documentation describes it like this:

The most time-consuming tasks when translating an application is to extract all the template contents to be translated and to keep all the translation files in sync. Symfony includes a command called translation:update that helps you with these tasks.

But what if not all my translations are hardcoded in code or templates, and some - or all - are dynamic? For example loaded from an external data source, like a REST API.

Create translation extractor

You can add your own translation extractor. Which will be run when executing the Symfony consoles’ translation:update command. In addition to the extractors that are already included.

Create a class that implements the ExtractorInterface:



namespace App\Translation;

use Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\ExtractorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue;

* Extracts custom translation strings.
@package App\Translation
class TranslationsExtractor implements ExtractorInterface {

* Prefix for new found message.
@var string
private $prefix = '';

* Returns the translation messages.
@return string[]
* All messages.
protected function getMessages(): array {
$messages = [];

// TODO: Get all your translation strings here.
return $messages;

* Extracts translation messages to the catalogue.
@param string|array $resource
* Files, a file or a directory.
@param \Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue $catalogue
* The message catalogue.
public function extract($resource, MessageCatalogue $catalogue) {
foreach ($this->getMessages() as $message) {
$catalogue->set($message, $this->prefix . $message);

* {
public function setPrefix(string $prefix) {
$this->prefix = $prefix;


Tag it with name=translation.extractor & an alias.

# config/services.yml
class: App\Translation\TranslationsExtractor
- { name: translation.extractor, alias: custom }

This was written using Symfony version 5.1.6.

