Create a private GCP Kubernetes cluster using Terraform
In this article, I want to share how I approached creating a private Kubernetes (GKE) cluster in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
This post is also available on my blog.
Target infrastructure
To get an overview - this is the target infrastructure we’re aiming for:
- A GKE cluster with Linux Worker Nodes.
- Load Balancer that routes external traffic to the Worker Nodes.
- A NAT router that allows all our instances inside the VPC to access the internet.
- A Bastion Instance that allows us to access the Kubernetes Control Plane to run
CLI commands.
This is basically just a Linux machine with a proxy installed on it. That is exposed to the internet via an external IP address.
Introduction to Terraform
To get started with Terraform, I found the HashiCorp tutorials useful:
There’s also lots of other resources available.
Local setup
Google Cloud Platform access
To be able to create resources in the Google cloud, a Google account is needed first. GCP offers a $300 credit with a trial period of a month (at time of writing). You can sign up for this at
GCP Service account (or gcloud CLI as alternative)
We need to authenticate with GCP. Go to and create a service account. This will grant access to the GCP APIs.
After creating the service account. Create a JSON key for it and download it locally.
Install Cloud SDK & Terraform CLI
To be able to run Terraform locally. The GCP & Terraform CLI needs to be installed.
Create infrastructure with Terraform
You can find all the files on GitHub.
Setup repository
Clone the Git repository
git clone
Move the service account JSON key to infrastructure/service-account-credentials.json
Configure variables:
cp ./infrastructure/terraform.tfvars.example ./infrastructure/terraform.tfvars
Change the project_id
& service_account
values to the GCP project & service account mail address.
Alternative to using Service Account key
Alternatively to the Service Account. You can use the gcloud CLI tool.
You can find the installation instructions for it here.
Then you can log in using gcloud auth login
After that. Store the OAuth access token that Terraform uses in the required environment variable:
export GOOGLE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
Keep in mind that this token is only valid for 1 hour (default).
Now let’s get to the actual Terraform code:
terraform {
required_providers {
google = {
source = "hashicorp/google"
version = "3.51.0"
provider "google" {
// Only needed if you use a service account key
credentials = file(var.credentials_file_path)
project = var.project_id
region = var.region
zone = var.main_zone
module "google_networks" {
source = "./networks"
project_id = var.project_id
region = var.region
The terraform
and provider
blocks are needed to configure the GCP Terraform provider.
The google_network
module is a local module located inside the ./networks
directory. This module defines the network resources we need:
locals {
network_name = "kubernetes-cluster"
subnet_name = "${}--subnet"
cluster_master_ip_cidr_range = ""
cluster_pods_ip_cidr_range = ""
cluster_services_ip_cidr_range = ""
resource "google_compute_network" "vpc" {
name = local.network_name
auto_create_subnetworks = false
routing_mode = "GLOBAL"
delete_default_routes_on_create = true
resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnet" {
name = local.subnet_name
ip_cidr_range = ""
region = var.region
network =
private_ip_google_access = true
resource "google_compute_route" "egress_internet" {
name = "egress-internet"
dest_range = ""
network =
next_hop_gateway = "default-internet-gateway"
resource "google_compute_router" "router" {
name = "${local.network_name}-router"
region = google_compute_subnetwork.subnet.region
network =
resource "google_compute_router_nat" "nat_router" {
name = "${}-nat-router"
router =
region = google_compute_router.router.region
nat_ip_allocate_option = "AUTO_ONLY"
source_subnetwork_ip_ranges_to_nat = "LIST_OF_SUBNETWORKS"
subnetwork {
name =
source_ip_ranges_to_nat = ["ALL_IP_RANGES"]
log_config {
enable = true
filter = "ERRORS_ONLY"
This creates a VPC and subnet. And the NAT router that allows the instances inside our VPC to communicate with the internet.
Note: The IP ranges defined in the locals
block that will be used for the GKE cluster may not overlap with the subnet’s CIDR range.
I defined these in the networking module to have all the networking related things in one place. They’ll be exposed as output variables and used by the kubernetes_cluster
Bastion instance
This module creates a virtual machine that runs a proxy. This will allow us to access the Kubernetes Control Plane from outside the GCP network, and run kubectl
...module "bastion" {
source = "./bastion" project_id = var.project_id
region = var.region
zone = var.main_zone
bastion_name = "app-cluster"
network_name =
subnet_name =
locals {
hostname = format("%s-bastion", var.bastion_name)
// Dedicated service account for the Bastion instance.
resource "google_service_account" "bastion" {
account_id = format("%s-bastion-sa", var.bastion_name)
display_name = "GKE Bastion Service Account"
// Allow access to the Bastion Host via SSH.
resource "google_compute_firewall" "bastion-ssh" {
name = format("%s-bastion-ssh", var.bastion_name)
network = var.network_name
direction = "INGRESS"
project = var.project_id
source_ranges = [""] // TODO: Restrict further.
allow {
protocol = "tcp"
ports = ["22"]
target_tags = ["bastion"]
// The user-data script on Bastion instance provisioning.
data "template_file" "startup_script" {
template = <<-EOF
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y tinyproxy
// The Bastion host.
resource "google_compute_instance" "bastion" {
name = local.hostname
machine_type = "e2-micro"
zone =
project = var.project_id
tags = ["bastion"]
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "debian-cloud/debian-10"
shielded_instance_config {
enable_secure_boot = true
enable_vtpm = true
enable_integrity_monitoring = true
// Install tinyproxy on startup.
metadata_startup_script = data.template_file.startup_script.rendered
network_interface {
subnetwork = var.subnet_name
access_config {
// Not setting "nat_ip", use an ephemeral external IP.
network_tier = "STANDARD"
// Allow the instance to be stopped by Terraform when updating configuration.
allow_stopping_for_update = true
service_account {
email =
scopes = ["cloud-platform"]
/* local-exec providers may run before the host has fully initialized.
However, they are run sequentially in the order they were defined.
This provider is used to block the subsequent providers until the instance is available. */
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = <<EOF
for i in $(seq 1 20); do
if gcloud compute ssh ${local.hostname} --project ${var.project_id} --zone ${var.region}-a --command uptime; then
echo "Waiting for ${local.hostname} to initialize..."
sleep 10;
if [[ -z $READY ]]; then
echo "${local.hostname} failed to start in time."
echo "Please verify that the instance starts and then re-run `terraform apply`"
exit 1
scheduling {
preemptible = true
automatic_restart = false
This will also output two commands.
The content of the ssh
output can be used to open an SSH tunnel to the Bastion instance.
can be used to run kubectl
and use the Bastion instance as proxy.
output "ip" {
value = google_compute_instance.bastion.network_interface.0.network_ip
description = "The IP address of the Bastion instance."
output "ssh" {
description = "GCloud ssh command to connect to the Bastion instance."
value = "gcloud compute ssh ${} --project ${var.project_id} --zone ${} -- -L8888:"
output "kubectl_command" {
description = "kubectl command using the local proxy once the Bastion ssh command is running."
value = "HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:8888 kubectl"
Kubernetes Cluster
Creates a GKE Kubernetes cluster and Linux nodes inside the previously created network.
...module "google_kubernetes_cluster" {
source = "./kubernetes_cluster"
project_id = var.project_id
region = var.region
node_zones = var.cluster_node_zones
service_account = var.service_account
network_name =
subnet_name =
master_ipv4_cidr_block = module.google_networks.cluster_master_ip_cidr_range
pods_ipv4_cidr_block = module.google_networks.cluster_pods_ip_cidr_range
services_ipv4_cidr_block = module.google_networks.cluster_services_ip_cidr_range
authorized_ipv4_cidr_block = "${module.bastion.ip}/32"
resource "google_container_cluster" "app_cluster" {
name = "app-cluster"
location = var.region
# We can't create a cluster with no node pool defined, but we want to only use
# separately managed node pools. So we create the smallest possible default
# node pool and immediately delete it.
remove_default_node_pool = true
initial_node_count = 1
ip_allocation_policy {
cluster_ipv4_cidr_block = var.pods_ipv4_cidr_block
services_ipv4_cidr_block = var.services_ipv4_cidr_block
network = var.network_name
subnetwork = var.subnet_name
logging_service = ""
monitoring_service = ""
maintenance_policy {
daily_maintenance_window {
start_time = "02:00"
master_auth {
username = "my-user"
password = "useYourOwnPassword."
client_certificate_config {
issue_client_certificate = false
dynamic "master_authorized_networks_config" {
for_each = var.authorized_ipv4_cidr_block != null ? [var.authorized_ipv4_cidr_block] : []
content {
cidr_blocks {
cidr_block = master_authorized_networks_config.value
display_name = "External Control Plane access"
private_cluster_config {
enable_private_endpoint = true
enable_private_nodes = true
master_ipv4_cidr_block = var.master_ipv4_cidr_block
release_channel {
channel = "STABLE"
addons_config {
// Enable network policy (Calico)
network_policy_config {
disabled = false
/* Enable network policy configurations (like Calico).
For some reason this has to be in here twice. */
network_policy {
enabled = "true"
workload_identity_config {
identity_namespace = format("", var.project_id)
resource "google_container_node_pool" "app_cluster_linux_node_pool" {
name = "${}--linux-node-pool"
location = google_container_cluster.app_cluster.location
node_locations = var.node_zones
cluster =
node_count = 1
autoscaling {
max_node_count = 1
min_node_count = 1
max_pods_per_node = 100
management {
auto_repair = true
auto_upgrade = true
node_config {
preemptible = true
disk_size_gb = 10
service_account = var.service_account
oauth_scopes = [
labels = {
cluster =
shielded_instance_config {
enable_secure_boot = true
// Enable workload identity on this node pool.
workload_metadata_config {
node_metadata = "GKE_METADATA_SERVER"
metadata = {
// Set metadata on the VM to supply more entropy.
google-compute-enable-virtio-rng = "true"
// Explicitly remove GCE legacy metadata API endpoint.
disable-legacy-endpoints = "true"
upgrade_settings {
max_surge = 1
max_unavailable = 1
Creating the infrastructure
This will initialize Terraform.
cd infrastructureterraform init
Next- create the infrastructure using the Terraform configuration.
terraform apply
The command will list all the GCP components Terraform will create. Accept by typing yes
in the terminal. This will create all the infrastructure inside GCP, and take a few minutes.
Additional resources
Some resources that were useful to me: